
(出典: http://www.lesoryb.ru/ )
Q5 A側とB側のどちらが家の内側でしょうか?
Q6 何故、このような配置にするのでしょうか?
Copyright notes
This book has been developed in the frame of the TETRIS project funded by the European Commission—Leonardo da Vinci Programme.
The partners of the project consortium are:
AREA Science Park (Italy) www.area.trieste.it (project coordinator)
ACC Austria Gmbh (Austria) www.the-acc-group.com
European Institute for Energy Research - EIfER (Germany) www.eifer.uni-karlsruhe.de
Fachhochschule Kärnten (Austria) www.fh-kaernten.at
Harry Flosser Studios (Germany) www.harryflosser.com
Higher Technical College Wolfsberg (Austria) www.htl-wolfsberg.at
Jelgava 1. Gymnasium (Latvia) www.1gim.jelgava.lv
Siemens AG, Sector Industry, Industrial Automation and Drive Technology (Germany) w1.siemens.com/entry/cc/en/
STENUM Environmental Consultancy and Research Company Ltd (Austria) www.stenum.at
Technical Institute for Industry “Arturo Malignani” (Italy) www.malignani.ud.it
The educational center for adults of Jelgava (Latvia) www.jrpic.lv
University of Florence (Italy) www.dmti.unifi.it
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